Dedicated And Experienced Legal Guidance After A Motor Vehicle Accident
From a time-consuming inconvenience to a devastating event, automobile accidents can bring a person’s day to a halt and substantially affect their family. An injured person may need help to pay property damages, medical expenses and household bills if they’re unable to work.
Such losses are not fair or right. At Heartland Injury Law, the goal is to fight for what’s fair. The attorneys handle a wide variety of cases for clients throughout St. Louis including intersection collisions, rear-end accidents, drunk or distracted driving accidents and more.
For legal representation that’s committed to their clients’ health, safety and success, call Heartland Injury Law.
Truck Accidents Are Common And Can Be Serious
Trucks, buses and other large vehicles can pose a huge risk on the road. Traveling at high speeds and often transporting items that are thousands of pounds, even a seemingly minor accident can have a catastrophic impact. Even though truck drivers are restricted to driving for only a certain number of hours and miles per day, many driving companies put pressure on their employees to deliver goods within tight timelines. One missed inspection or improperly installed part could result in a disaster on the road.
A tremendous amount of discovery is often necessary in truck accident cases because several parties may be at fault. The legal team at Heartland Injury Law has the skills and experience necessary to find the evidence needed to build a solid case for the firm’s clients.
Paying For Medical Treatment After A Crash
The amount of compensation after a collision depends on the circumstances of the crash, the costs of medical care, the nature and extent of your injuries, and your recovery. Who pays for the medical expenses is a common question and a source of concern. An experienced personal injury attorney can explain to you the best ways to navigate this process. Your lawyer can help maximize your recovery for your injuries.
Get Answers And Help Now
To learn how Heartland Injury Law can become your source of support and guidance throughout your injury claim or lawsuit, contact us at 314-621-1701 or send an email inquiry today.